A downloadable game for Windows

Try to survive the university life

Step into the shoes of a university student and embark on an immersive journey through the highs and lows of campus life. In Mental TwIST, you'll experience the thrill of balancing academic challenges, social interactions, and personal well-being in a dynamic and realistic virtual environment.


  • Authentic Campus Experience: Explore the recreated campuses of IST.
  • Strategic Resource Management: Balance your academic progress and sanity levels. Manage your time wisely to complete tasks while maintaining mental well-being through side quests and main quests.
  • Interactive Environment: Interact with NPCs, solve puzzles, and collect items that aid your journey. Your choices and actions shape your experience and relationships within the game.


  • Progress and Sanity Bars: Keep track of your academic achievements and mental health. Complete tasks to fill your progress bar, and engage in relaxing activities to maintain your sanity.
  • Collectables and Side Quests: Discover hidden collectables and complete side quests that provide valuable benefits, from boosting your sanity to extending time limits for tasks.
  • Map and Navigation: Use the in-game map to find main quests and points of interest. Plan your routes and explore every corner of the campus to uncover all its secrets.

Join the Adventure:

Are you ready to navigate the exciting world of university life? Whether you're solving puzzles,  just exploring or managing your time under pressure, every decision shapes your journey. Dive into Mental TwIST and try to survive the university life!

Download now and start your adventure!

Game developed with <3 by:

  • Vasco Vaz
  • Márcia Marques
  • João Barbosa
  • João Pinto
Updated 15 days ago
Published 24 days ago
GenreSimulation, Adventure, Puzzle, Role Playing, Strategy


MentalTwIST.zip 72 MB

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